Our Videos

Dr. Tennant and the other health staff at The Tennant Institute have put together numerous videos to discuss different conditions and what the clinic can do to assist. Please explore these videos and contact us when you are ready to start your health journey. 

Healing Theories & Modalities by Dr. Jerry Tennant

How the Clinic Approaches Health/Home Care



Checking Your Power Circuits (Muscle Testing)

What is Scalar Energy?

Lyme Disease

Healing Theories by Dr. Tennant

Podcast Interviews with Dr. Jerry Tennant

Cell Voltage & The Root To All Disease

Further Faster with Dr. Joseph McClendon III

Electric Health & Healing is Voltage

Using Scalar Energy to Balance Emotional Dis-ease

Healing is Voltage - Dr. Jerry Tennant

Podcast Interviews with Integrative Medicine Specialists

Cancer Conversation - Quantum Healing
- Danielle Palmer

Toxin Removal Using Scalar Energy
- Dr. Chase Faldmo, D.C.